
New Year Starto


Word of the day: くだらない - from Jisho.org: good-for-nothing; stupid; trivial; worthless

My friend sent me the sentence “この世界はただのくだらないゲームです” as a quote from No Game No Life - “This world is just a shit game”. I’m not actually sure where he pulled that quote from. So I’m not sure if that’s the exact wording from the novels or not.

I’ve really enjoyed NGNL and this is one of my favorite quotes from the series. I think one take away from it is that you can treat life a little less seriously. I also try to look for the underlying mechanics of my life so that I can make better decisions. Unlike in NGNL not every game needs to have a winner and a loser. I think that’s why I’ve been getting into a lot more co-op titles lately.

Library Books

I have to return The Essence of Shinto by Motohisa Yamakage today without finishing it. I’m disappointed that I couldn’t complete it before it came due. It contains a Japanese understanding of one branch of Shinto. I would like to come back to it someday when I have more time. Unfortunately the end of last year was just too much of a mess for me to finish a difficult read like this.

I have 3 more library books to get through. It looks like another one is due soon!

New Year

And so the New Year begins! I had a great time today! I watched Die Hard 2 and the Rose Bowl with my family. Tomorrow I return to work.