

3D Scanning

As I write this, my second 3D print of a scanned object is printing off. By the time I post this a full single-topic article will be up describing my experience. I started working with this device over a year ago. Why did it take me so long to get back to this? I’ve put more detail in the article, but it really comes down to procrastination. Getting this done has been hanging over my head, in part because the scanner is a loaner. So I’m so glad to have finally finished this experiment! Please give the article a read and take a look at my results!


Today I sewed closed another hole in the crotch of each of my two pairs of Levi 514s. Between my girlfriend and I, we’ve done probably 7 repairs on these.

I have a tendency to sit weird and move around a lot. These jeans sit low on me and therefore a lot of stress gets applied to the crotch, especially when I sit cross-legged. I really like these though, and I’ve always been really slow to replace my pants for some reason. At this point though, I think the fabric is starting to go. So the last patch might be coming any day now.

Mini Painting

I based two more minis, but did not get outside to prime them as I had hoped. The weather was perfect for it too! Oh well. I will try again next time it’s warm.


I finished reading Flying Witch Volume 10 this week. It was excellent as always! I really love how calm this series is. Unfortunately, it looks like I will have to wait until 2023 for the next volume. In the meantime, I’m seeking out some more series to fill the gap. I will be continuing with Nobu. I also finally got my hands on Volumes 4 and 5 of Magus of the Library. I know there are many more good chill manga and light novels. I just need to find them!


My girlfriend and I went to see Reverend Payton’s Big Damn Band as their tour passed through Columbus. The show was really top notch! They’re one of my favorite live bands. I highly recommend you take a look!

Meanwhile Bandcamp has been acquired by Epic. I feel incredibly sad about this. Especially after just completing my audiosonic setup. I had planned to use Bandcamp as my main source for new additions to my collection. In the short term, that will still be possible, but I fear what Epic will do to Bandcamp in this modern landscape of streaming subscriptions. I will be working to continue to diversify my sources moving forward to protect myself from this acquisition.


Last week I forgot to write about my experience at the first Columbus Crew game of the season. It was great! A spectacular 4 goal start to the season. I’ve got new seats this year, and they are much more accessible than the previous ones. I’m pretty pleased! Unfortunately the end of this week’s game was not so good, but I still had fun watching it with my mom and dad at their place. I’m looking forward to a great season!

The Journey Continues

Another week on the blag! I honestly can’t believe it lol

The weather is going through its typical March highs and lows for me here. If you’re in the Northern hemisphere, get out there and enjoy the good days when they come! In the South, I hope your winter is not too tough.